CEO Nagaland apprises election officials on amendment of forms

BY | Wednesday, 27 July, 2022

Kohima: Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland, V. Shashank Shekhar, IAS held a meeting through video conference with Deputy Commissioners/ADC & District Election Officers (DEOs), Electoral Registration Officers (EROs), Assistant Election Officers (AEOs), and technical persons on the amendment of Forms and IT applications on 27th July 2022. Joint CEOs, Awa Lorin and Sharon Longchari also attended the VC.

The meeting discussed the important aspects of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021 enacted by Parliament which amended the Representation of People Act,1950 and Representation of People Act, 1951. The amendments in the said Acts broadly cover the following aspects: –

  1. Electoral Registration Officer may require Aadhar number for electoral registration/authentication purpose
  2. Four qualifying dates in a year
  • Gender-neutral provision for Service and Special Electors and
  1. Power to acquire premises for the conduct of elections


Furnishing of Aadhar number is purely voluntary. Those who do not have an Aadhaar number may submit a copy of any of the eleven documents prescribed by the Commission. This exercise will commence with effect from 1st August 2022 till 1st April 2023. No entry in the electoral roll would be deleted on the ground of inability on the part of any existing elector to furnish/intimate Aadhar number. The purpose of obtaining an Aadhaar number is for authentication of electors’ entries in the electoral roll and extending electoral services to them in the future. Strict measures are in place to ensure security and safe custody of collected data.
It was also highlighted that now there would be four qualifying dates in a year, viz. 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. Applicants could file their advance claims for inclusion in the electoral roll during the annual summary revision. Earlier, only those who completed 18 years of age by 1st January of the year could get themselves enrolled. After coming off four qualifying dates in existence, all who are completing 18 years of age on any of the qualifying dates of the year can get themselves enrolled after the relevant qualifying date.

The second session of the meeting covered legal aspects of the amended/modified Forms and various IT applications such as ERONET, Garuda, NVSP, VHA, and Voter Portal, which was taken by AEO Kohima, R. Toshimeren, AEO (MIS) CEO’s office, Ketousieu Khruomo and Project Manager (IT), Iliho.



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