Members of the Committee on Estimates (2022-2023) Nagaland Legislative Assembly led by Dr. Chotisuh Sazo, Chairman undertook an “On-The-Spot-Verification-Visit” with the Department of Municipal Affairs (Kohima Smart City Project), Nagaland Bee-Keeping & Honey Mission and Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency on 28th & 29th July 2022 respectively.
On the first day, the Committee visited the Multi-Level Car Parking located at Old Medical Directorate, Kohima, Multi-Level Car Parking at Old NST, Kohima, and Waste Management Unit, Meriema under the Department of Municipal Affairs.
During the visit of the two Kohima Smart City Projects, it was informed by the Department that the actual timeline for completion of the Multi-Level Car Parking at old Medical Directorate, Kohima, and Multi Level Car Parking at Old NST, Kohima Project was for 24 Months i.e., 10th Oct 2020, however, due to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic; the pace of the work slowed down and got delayed. The Committee, therefore, advised the Department to expedite the work and finish it as per the given schedule.
On the Second day, the Committee visited the Material Recovery Facility and Compost Plant at 7th Mile, Shukovi Road, Chumoukedima, and took stock of the ground realities of work being carried out by the Chumoukedima Town Council. The Department raised some of the grievances they face to the Committee and proposed machinery assistance for the better management of the waste system.
The Committee later visited both the Nagaland Bamboo Resource Centre at 6lh Mile, Sovima under the Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency (NBDA) and the Multi Utility Centre under the Nagaland Bee Keeping and Honey Mission (NBHM). Meanwhile, appreciating the Honey Missions for its hard work, dedication, and achievements, the Committee, however, advised both the Missions to work harder and come up with more innovative ideas and creativity in the future as the Mission has got a lot of scope and potential in the State for creating Self- employment and generating additional income for the households.
During the visit the Chairman, Dr. Chotisuh Sazo was accompanied by its Committee Members viz. Amenba Yaden, C.L. John, Tovihoto Ayemi, Dr. Longrineken, Zhaleo Rio, Mhathung Yanthan, Khriehu Liezietsu and officers and staff of the NLA Secretariat