JKM and SSU condemns heinous act and demands stringent punishment against rapist

BY | Monday, 12 August, 2024

The Japukong Students’ Conference (JKM) has expressed deep sorrow and concern regarding the reported rape case incident involving Moakaba, Seargent Major, NSCN-Khango.

“We strongly condemned the atrocious act committed against our 4-year- old daughter on August 10, 2024, in Saring village. Committing an evil deed against a child steals their innocence, which is not tolerable. As society strives for peace and harmony, such barbaric acts disrupt it. So, we urge the law enforcement to punish the offenders severely and ensure fitting consequences,” remarked the JKM.

The Union expressed their deepest sympathy, stating that the Union along with the student community, share the pain and suffering with the victim and family who are undergoing mental, emotional and physical trauma inflicted upon them by the evil perpetrator.

The Union urged and called upon all the right-thinking society to strongly condemn such acts and seek justice for the victim.

JKM also extended appreciation to the organisations who have stood up against such acts.

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Condemning the heinous crime, the Saringyim (Nokpu-B) Students’ Union expressed shock and outrage to learn about the incident of rape against a 4 years old minor girl by Moakaba Aier Sergeant, Major of NSCN (Khango) s/o late. Karlijang Aier of Akumen Village (Lirmen), Mokokchung, on August 10, 2024 at Saringyim under Longchem Block.

The Union express grave concern over the incident and called upon the Investigating Agency to leave no stone unturned in the investigation and to take stringent action against the accused person as per the provisions of law and should not bail out the accused person.

“Crimes, especially rape dehumanize societies and letting the perpetrators of such crimes go unpunished is a threat to the society. The perverted mindset of the perpetrator of this heinous crime is strongly condemned by the Union and the same must be condemned by all,” stated the SSU.

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