New team of NMA Executive Council takes charge

Kohima: Vilanuo Angela Yhome elected President of NMA

BY | Friday, 25 August, 2023

The new team of the Naga Mothers’ Association Executive Council consisting of Officials and Advisors has taken over on the 16 August 2023 at the NMA Cradle Ridge, Seithogei, Vitono Haralu, Joint Secretary, NMA informed in a press release.

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The team is as follows:

President: Vilanuo Angela Yhome

Vice President: Apeuna Iheilung

Treasurer: Abeni TCK

Joint Secretary: Vitono Haralu

Advisors: Sano Vamuzo, Abeiü Meru, Dr. Rosemary Dzuvichü, Neidonuo Angami, Abeni TCK

Management committee of NMA Cradle Ridge Children Centre: Dr. Rosemary Dzuvichü, Abeni TCK, President NMA, Joint Sect, NMA

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