NNP+ conducts workshop on ART Treatment Literacy in Kohima

Kohima: Importance of ART adherence, challenges and strategy to enhance ART uptake discussed in sessions

BY | Sunday, 18 February, 2024

NNP+ (Naga people Living with HIV/AIDS) conducted a one-day workshop on “ART Treatment Literacy” on Saturday to educate the PLHIV (People Living with HIV) community and the various partner NGOs working in differentiated service delivery model projects. The event, which was held at the conference hall, LCS Building, Kohima, was co-organized with KNP+ (Kohima People with HIV/AIDS), ARK (Access to Rights and Knowledge) Foundation, and NSACS (Nagaland State AIDS Control Society) under the theme “Ageing with HIV”.

NNP+ President Lanu Aier informed in a press release that the workshop was organised in view of the need to achieve an “undetectable viral Load” for people on ART (Anti-retroviral therapy) medications. He also informed that the program featured various sessions such as the concept of Treatment Literacy- its importance and self-responsibilities of the PLHIV community, ageing with HIV, the HIV vis a vis ART landscape in Nagaland, HIV and its co-morbidities, and TB prevention among PLHIV.

During the sessions, key points were discussed pertaining to the importance of ART adherence, challenges and strategy to enhance ART uptake, understanding the role of ARV intake in suppressing viral load, HIV&AIDS Act 2017, HIV and Non-communicable diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes, mental health etc, HIV and its co-morbidities like TB, Viral Hepatitis and their prevention and treatment, NNP+ further said.

The resource persons were Lanu Aier, Ketho Angami Whuorie from ARK, Dr. Abo Zao from ART Centre and Yhuni Kesen from KNP+.

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