Peren Govt College organises Literary cum Cultural Fest 2023

Peren Town: The third day showcased cultural activities like indigenous cooking where each group had to cook one indigenous dish using indigenous method and local ingredients

BY | Tuesday, 2 May, 2023
Students of Peren Government College in diverse cultural attire during the College’s Literary cum Cultural Fest 2023

Peren Government College conducted its Literary cum Cultural Fest 2023 from 27-29 April on the theme “Diversity and Inclusion”. The three-day program included a variety of activities such as ethnic cultural show, cooking competition, handicrafts making and competitions on singing, poetry writing, etc.

The fest began with invocation by K J Joseph, Assistant Professor, Economic, speech by Albert, Vice Principal, Peren Government College and ‘Redeeming of Culture’ by Heiramchube Leigise, Head of Department, History.

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On the first day, basket making was organised for the boys, while the girls were taught the art of knitting.

The second day was packed with literary competitions activities such as prepared speech competition on the topic: “New Education Policy: A Policy with Diverse Challenges”; “Russia and Ukraine War and its Impact”; and “Life Lessons that Coronavirus Taught us”.

Extempore speech and performance poetry were also conducted besides essay writing competition on the topic “Higher Education vs Skill Acquisition”. The day ended with quiz competition with four participants from each group.

The third day showcased cultural activities like indigenous cooking where each group had to cook one indigenous dish using indigenous method and local ingredients. Group songs, Naga wrestling and folklore drama were the other highlights of the last day of the Literary cum Cultural Fest 2023.

The program at the Peren Government College culminated with declaration of results of the various competitions held during the three-day event.

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