In the recently declared results by Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE), two sisters Sangpila Sangtam and Lumzila I Sangtam brought laurels for their family by securing positions in the merit list.
Sangpila stood in Rank 7 in HSSLC (Arts) from Christian Higher Secondary School, Dimapur and Lumzila from St. Paul Hr. Sec. School, Dimapur stood in Rank 8 in HSLC.
Speaking to Nagaland Tribune, Sangpila stated that even though she did not follow a specific routine for her studies, consistency had always been the key. She said sometimes you have to sacrifice your sleep, health and put your focus on studies especially in the initial stage of preparation.
Sangpila mentioned that she is awaiting her CUET (UG) exam to get into college for which she said she was excited. Her future goal is to crack UPSC exams as she wants to be an IFS (Indian Foreign service). She further stated that she is led by “Perseverance and God”.
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Lumzila told Nagaland Tribune that she was surprised to see her name on the toppers’ list not. Her daily routine was studying for 5 to 6 hours a day and sometimes even more depending upon the situation. She has already opted for Science Stream and said that she preferred Mathematics and Science subject over other subjects.
Lumzila also said that unlike her sister Sangpila, she does not have a specific goal as of now but would like to explore and experiment with her liking as she further continuous her studies.
Their eldest sister Rhitila Sangtam was also a topper in 2016 when she stood in the 12th Rank in HSLC was their inspiration while the constant support from the family also helped them to push through their exams in flying colors.