Tag Archives:

Indira Gandhi

Political assassinations are not just an American problem – they have been all too frequent throughout history

Adelaide: Assassinations continue to be common occurrence in liberal democracies too, despite having more stable governments overall

BY / Sunday, 21 July, 2024

‘Not good for bilateral ties’: India to Canada after Brampton event celebrating Indira Gandhi’s killing

New Delhi: Float depicting the assassination of Indira Gandhi part of parade organised by some Khalistani elements in Brampton, Canada

BY / Thursday, 8 June, 2023

Assam to pay Rs 15,000 monthly pension to 301 people jailed during Emergency

Guwahati: Singhal claimed that many states in India are providing pension to jailed people of the Emergency period, but the amount given by Assam is the "highest"

BY / Thursday, 20 April, 2023

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