Wokha farmer’s 8.75 ft tall coriander plant could be tallest in World

Wokha: I sowed these coriander seeds like any other day, but never anticipated such remarkable height: Yilobemo Erui

BY | Sunday, 24 March, 2024

A modest farmer from Wokha Village in Nagaland has captivated the attention of his community by successfully growing a coriander plant (dhania) that stands at an astonishing height of 8.75 feet (2.66 metres).

Yilobemo Erui’s coriander plant could be the tallest in the world as the Guiness World Records for the tallest coriander plant is 7.45 feet (2.25 metres). This record is held by a Melbourne based Indian famer named Dalbir Singh. Erui’s plant is taller than Singh’s by 1.34 feet (0.41 metres).

Speaking exclusively to Nagaland Tribune, Yilobemo Erui recalled planting the coriander seeds in October 2023 and how he was surprised by the unprecedented growth. He said that the seeds were ordinary seeds, the very same variety found in every household throughout Wokha village.

“I sowed these coriander seeds like any other day, but never anticipated such remarkable height,” he shared.

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Erui mentioned that he did not apply any special method of farming or feed his aromatic herb any special plant food except for animal manure. By doing this, he followed a way of farming that works best with nature and has resulted in growing the coriander this tall, he said.

Erui’s accomplishment has not gone unnoticed, making his coriander stand out as a testament to his hard work and dedication in caring and shielding the plant from unfavourable weather conditions.

What is astonishing is that the extraordinarily tall coriander maintains the same smell and taste as any other regular coriander. “Even though it is really tall, the coriander still has the same basic flavour”, the proud farmer described.

Yilobemo Erui further disclosed that the coriander has reached its maximum height at 8.75 feet as the flowers have begun to bloom. He reflects sentimentally on the journey that led him to this day as the plant nears its zenith, with delicate flowers blooming atop its towering stalks.

This plant that deserves to be in the book of records has taught Erui important life lessons as the man contemplate on how hard work and dedication can lead to amazing things. Yilobemo Erui further hoped that his story will inspire others to see how their own efforts can make a big difference too.

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