Dakshata training for Health care providers held at DH Longleng

Longleng: Training aims to reduce maternal and child mortality during childbirth

BY | Monday, 30 September, 2024

A three days District level dakshata training for Health care providers was conducted at District Hospital, Longleng from 25th to 27th September 2024.

DPO (RCH/UIP) Dr. Imtijungshi in his welcome address spoke on the importance and aims of the training, which is to improve the quality of maternal and new born care during childbirth and after.

The resource person for the training was Dr. Dennis Chingpen (SMO) OBGY and Lily Phom Staff Nurse both from District Hospital Longleng. The goals and objectives of the training was to improve the quality of maternal and new born care and immediate postpartum period by enhancing the competencies and skills of staff working in labour rooms and developing a system of post- training follow up and mentoring, and strengthening the capacity of the facilities and the system to measure the quality of care on a regular basis.

During the three day training pre and post-test sessions, practice demonstration of normal delivery, new born care and new born resuscitation by skill practice using models and skills checklist, labour room managements, prevention, identification and management of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, new born infections, postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), biomedical waste managements, reporting and recording were imparted to the trainees.

The training focused upon improving care for mothers and newborns with an aim to reduce maternal and child mortality during childbirth and to provide quality services during delivery. During the 3-days long training, mannequins and dummies were used for demonstration of normal delivery.

The participants were Staff Nurses, ANM’s and CHOs from Health Units under Longleng District.

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