A battle for ecological conservation: Eco-Warriors Nagaland


BY | Saturday, 21 October, 2023

Sensitive towards the conservation of nature, Lesemew M, Founder and Co-ordinator of Eco-Warriors Nagaland, along with twelve like-minded individuals from different educational backgrounds started the Eco-Warriors Nagaland in 2018, October 16. Eco- Warriors Nagaland is a nature conservation organization which aims at preserving the flora and fauna in Nagaland through various outreach programs.

Speaking to Nagaland Tribune, Lesemew mentioned that the reason behind forming the Organization is to encourage more conservation efforts in Nagaland.

The journey of Eco- Warriors began with a training program called “ENVIS Hub” which was organised by the Nagaland Pollution Control Board, on GSDP (Green Skill Development Program) where waste management and the importance of conserving natural resources were taught.

“The program paved the way and instilled the ethics of conservation in us. It also broadened our perspective and desire to contribute to the community as individuals sharing a common goal of protecting the natural resources,” states Lesemew.

Since its inception, Eco-Warriors Nagaland has been working on various projects in collaboration with the Forest Department, Government of Nagaland with a vision for transforming the community towards active participation of biodiversity and wildlife conservation.

During its early beginnings, Eco-Warriors was mentored by Suman WM Sivachar, IFS (current Divisional Forest Officer, Wokha), who fondly guided the organization. It was the IFS who also inspired the organization with its nomenclature.

With the transfer of Sivachar at Wokha District, the organization took a leap of opportunity to set foot in Wokha and helped amplify their conservational aspiration by collaborating with the Wokha Forest Division. Over the years, the organisation continues to work as a volunteer team assisting the Division in its many endeavors.

Besides their contribution in Wokha, the organization has initiated various outreach programs and activities such as online competition in schools across Nagaland, plantation drives and cleanliness drives as part of the observation of World Environment Day and Wildlife Week which is celebrated every year to spread awareness on natural habitat and conservation in numerous forms.

At present, Eco-Warriors Nagaland has 25  members from various districts of Nagaland, and is largely based at Dimapur, and actively spread in several districts of Nagaland today.

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“The organization takes pride in protecting the incredible diversity of life on Earth and to safeguard the natural systems that supports one’s own existence and by working together and celebrating the wonders of nature during events like Wildlife Week,” states Lesemew.

The most significant challenges that wildlife conservationists faced,  according to the Eco-Warriors, is the habitat loss caused by human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, agricultural expansion and also wildlife facing numerous threats which jeopardize their existence.

“The destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats leave many species with limited resources and space to survive that leads to decline in populations and even extinction. Looking into this matter, the organization still continues to advocate for decrease of unregulated environmental destruction which would benefit all the living organisms in the days to come,” asserts the organization.

“Wildlife conservation is not just a responsibility, but a moral imperative,” says Lesemew encouraging everyone to participate in preserving and conversation of nature and wildlife.

At Eco-Warriors Nagaland, it firmly believes : One should not just be a Naga Warrior but also be an Eco-Warriors to preserve Wildlife in our State.

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