On the occasion of National Handloom Day, the Indian Army organised an awareness drive and lecture at Zakhama Military Station, Kohima district of Nagaland on Wednesday. The awareness drive focused on the promotion and preservation of traditional handloom practices and was attended by local artisans, village heads and youth leaders, the PRO & Spokesperson, Ministry of Defence, Nagaland informed in a press release.
The theme of the lecture was cultural and economic importance of handloom weaving, improving the craftsman access to the outside market and methods to promote products through social media.
At the event local artisans and villagers engaged in interactive sessions and discussion with the Indian Army personnel. The attendees were also informed about the upcoming textile unit that will be established in Jakhama under the Operation Sadbhavna and its benefits to the people.
The event culminated with felicitation of handloom artisans.