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A home away from home: Rintaniemi Neighborhood Children’s Home

Rintaniemi Neighbourhood Children’s Home, located at Midland, Dimapur is a home dedicated to the welfare of underprivileged children. Named in honor of a Finnish well wisher, Rintaniemi, who helped built the House, the Home has taken care of about

/ 07 Oct, 2023

Drive for change: a Book and Music instrument Drive

A long held desire to positively contribute to the community, Drive for Change is a book and music instrument drive started by a group of volunteers and spearheaded by Tiapong Tzudir and Livika  Shohe with an aim to spreading

/ 05 Oct, 2023

A space for healing: CWS initiates first ever Patient’s Park in District Hospital Tuensang

Tuensang: CWS’s contribution in Hospital beautification activity will help to bring sense of ownership over public Hospital, MS, DH says

/ 30 Sep, 2023

The return of PaperSky – Indie Grunge Rock band from Dimapur

Dimapur: Band to make comeback on 23 Sep at 2nd Nagaland Photography Festival at Mandeville Garden in Purana Bazaar

/ 22 Sep, 2023

Inspirational story of David Rhakho: Epitome of determination and hard work

Dimapur: Racing has taught me to be a more disciplined person while also giving sense of freedom

/ 09 Sep, 2023

Was determined to paint if not with my hands, then with mouth: Painter Imli Sunep:

Dimapur: Painter’s father urge parents of PwDs to help them find own paths and support them as they explore their talents

/ 09 Jul, 2023

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