The Chief Minister of Nagaland, Neiphiu Rio launched the Chief Minister’s Universal Life Insurance Scheme (CMLIS) during the Independence Day celebrations on August 15, 2024. The CMLIS has been meticulously designed to offer financial security and peace of mind to families across Nagaland through free life and accidental insurance coverage.
The enrolment drive for the CMLIS will commence on August 15, 2024, and will run for one month. Eligible families are urged to verify their details on the CMLIS portal,, on or before September 5, 2024. Families who are not currently covered under the Chief Minister’s Health Insurance Scheme (CMHIS) are encouraged to register through the Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM) in rural areas or through the Deputy Commissioner (DC), Additional Deputy Commissioner (ADC), Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO), or Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) offices in urban areas before September 15, 2024.
Key Features of CMLIS:
-Life Insurance Coverage: Rs 2 lakh in the unfortunate event of the primary breadwinner’s demise.
-Accidental Insurance Coverage: Rs 2 lakh each for the primary breadwinner and up to three family members in case of accidental death or disability.
Eligibility Criteria:
– Scheme is open to all households/families within the State of Nagaland who are indigenous inhabitants and/or permanent residents.
-All Government Servants of the State including work charged and casual employees.
-Accredited Journalist working in Nagaland.
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Age Limit:
-The scheme is open to individuals aged 18-50 years for general category households and 18-60 years for government servants.
-Breadwinner Designation: The head of the family as per the CMHIS card is the default breadwinner. -However, families not covered under CMHIS (Government Servants) have the option to designate a different breadwinner.
Verification Process for CMHIS beneficiaries and Govt Servants:
Beneficiaries of CMHIS and Government servants are required to verify or modify their family details through the CMLIS portal by on or before 5th Sept, 2024.
The portal allows families to:
-Perform self-verification using CMHIS registered mobile number
-Confirm or change the designated breadwinner.
-Update the accidental insurance coverage for family members.
-Modify the nominee for insurance claims.
Registration process for other beneficiaries:
-For rural areas : Approach your NSRLM representative and the enrolment shall be done by the NSRLM representative at village level. No physical application is needed.
-For urban areas : The physical application form shall be signed for urban areas by the DC/ADC/SDO/EAS of the respective area and the beneficiary may login to the portal and apply online with the signed form or seek the assistance of the administration for applying in the portal.
Special Provisions for Government Servants:
-Government servants are automatically designated as the head of the family and the breadwinner for life insurance purposes.
-The age limit for life insurance coverage for government servants is extended to 60 years.
– The government servant headed households will not have this option. Wherever there are more than one government servant in a family, all such members can be designated as breadwinner.
Bank Account Assistance:
-Families who require assistance in opening bank accounts for claim processing and additional insurance coverage can indicate their needs through the CMLIS portal.
The CMLIS program is committed to delivering a seamless claims process with zero charges or fees, ensuring that the financial security and welfare of all Indigenous Inhabitants and Permanent Residents of Nagaland remain a top priority.
Rural households can approach NSRLM directly for the addition of households for insurance coverage, which is facilitated online. Urban households must get their verification forms approved by the DC/ADC/SDO/EAC offices. These forms are available free of charge at the respective offices, and no processing fees or charges are required for enrolment or application processing.
For further information or support, please contact the designated helpline number, the NSRLM representative in your village, or the administrative officers in urban areas.