In view of the forthcoming General Elections to the Lok Sabha, 2024 as announced by the Election Commission of India (ECI) and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the ECI regarding preventive action to ensure peaceful, free and fair poll during the General Election, the Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer Longleng, Dharam Raj, IAS, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 144 CrPC, 1973 has prohibited carrying of any kind of arms or ammunition by any person within Longleng District. All licensed arms unless exempted under law shall be deposited at the nearest police station.
The DC further enforced the Model Code of Conduct within Longleng District with immediate effect with following advisory:
Use of public address system or loud speakers or any sound amplifiers whether fitted on vehicles of any kind whatsoever or in static position used for public meeting for electioneering purposed during the entire election period ending with the date of declaration of result shall not be permitted at night between 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM.
All political activities including rallies, public meetings and processions in connection with elections must adhere to the guidelines outlined in the Model Code of Conduct and shall be held only after obtaining due permission from the competent authority and intimation to the concerned police station. Further, due permission shall be obtained for use of loud speakers and vehicles during the campaign.
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Strictly prohibit the use of government machinery, resources and facilities for campaigning or any other political purpose by any political party or candidate. This includes vehicles, premises, personnel and any other government assets.
All banner, poster, hoarding etc. Carrying political symbols, photos of political leaders and any wall writing, defacement in any other forms, flags etc. on Government properties shall be removed within 72 hours.
Further, all unauthorized political advertisements in form of wall writing, poster, papers or defacement in any other form at public property and in public space like bus stands, roadway, buses, electric/telephone poles, municipal/local bodies building etc. shall be removed within 48 hours. The same be compiled with at private properties also within 72 hours.
Maintain law and order throughout the district to ensure a peaceful electoral process. Any incidents of violence, intimidation, or coercion must be dealt with promptly and impartially by the law enforcement agencies.
According to DIPR, the order is applicable to all the persons within Longleng District except the police personnel and the Security forces and the Officials/personnel involved in Law and order duty. In view of the emergent nature, the order is being issued ex-parte and is addressed to the public in general.
This order shall take immediate effect and shall be effective till the declaration of results as per the press note of ECI, informed the DC.