Vineet Kumar (IAS), Deputy Commissioner, Wokha has informed all concerned that, in pursuance of Government Notification and in the interest of maintaining environmental sustainability and public health, a total ban has been imposed on the sale and use of the following single-use plastic items throughout Wokha district.
All single-use plastics (SUPs) carry bags, irrespective of microns, including single-use plastic bottles for water and soft drinks below 1 (one) litre is now prohibited for sale and use.
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Further, any commercial establishment or entity found violating this order shall be liable to a fine of Rs. 10,000/- (Ten thousand) for the first offence, Rs.20,000/- (Twenty thousand) for the second offence and for subsequent offence, permit cancellation shall be imposed.
This notification shall come into effect on the August 1, 2024 and shall remain in force until further notice.
All relevant authorities are directed to ensure strict compliance with the said notification.