Coinciding with the Teachers day celebration across India, the Department of Zoology organised the screening program of an educational movie at the Conference hall, informed a press release. Dr. Temjenwabang, Principal, Kohima Science College was invited as the special guest. The concept note of the movie was highlighted by Dr. Anungla Pongener (Head of Department, Zoology) who considered this initiative as a realisation of a long-desired personal dream which was to impact the younger generation positively through media platform. Dr Pongener thanked the students for making it into a beautiful movie.
Nadia Limarenla Longchari, the class representative of B.Sc. 5th semester (Zoology) and also the director of the movie shared their experiences during the making of the movie-making process. Katasinliu Remmei, (Associate Professor) graced the program with a prayer.
All the cast and crew were students of Zoology department, Kohima Science College, Jotsoma and the entire exercise was conceptualised, created, participated and sponsored by the department of Zoology with active support and cooperation from the 5th semester students of Zoology Department.
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Principal and Special guest Dr. Temjenwabang appreciated the efforts put by the students and also congratulated the department for this very innovative concept and encouraged everyone to continue with the good work.
The program was chaired by Dr.Lilongchem Thyug, Associate Professor & Coordinator, IQAC, Kohima Science College, Jotsoma. The program was well attended by over 70 participants including a visiting team of scientists led by Dr. D. Suresh Chand, Scientist ‘E’ and Officer-incharge ,Orthoptera Section, Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Kolkata.