Liangmai Baptist Pastors Council celebrated its Silver Jubilee

BY | Thursday, 26 September, 2024

The Liangmai Baptist Pastor’s Council under Liangmai Baptist Association (LBA) celebrated its 25th year Silver Jubilee on 24th and 25th September 2024 under the banner of “Good Shepherd” at New Jalukie Baptist Phomling Church with Dr. Hiazuheing Ndang, Pastor DEF Peren as the Resource person.

Dr, Hiazuheing Ndang, Pastor in his message said that the good shepherd that we learnt from the life ministry of Jesus Christ as the good shepherd has the quality of Loving, Caring, and Sacrificial saviour of the world. He stated that the image of the shepherd is used to describe Jesus role in several activities during his Ministry.

Hiazuheing said good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and has to be out in front of the flock and in the midst of the flock, and asserted that a shepherd should be one who is trustworthy, a man who have a provision, and one who have a sacrificial mind, keeping relations with his sheep with visionary leadership for the sheep.

The celebration resolved to organise tour programme to Holy Land as an when the world situation becomes normal, and also to strengthen the fellowship of the churches by spreading the words of God.

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The celebration also witness unanimous selection of new office bearers for the tenure 2024 to 2026, where Pastor, Kaininglung Nzau was selected as the President of LBPC, Kairidin, Pastor of Jalukie town as Secretary and Pastor, Tunchapbo of Ntu Baptist Church as the Treasure.

The 25th Anniversary of Liangmai Baptist Pastor’s Council was organised under the President-ship of Amos Zeliang, Pastor Peren Town. The LBA President, Amos Zeliang also expressed gratitude to all the pastors and their Church members for their cooperation during his tenure as the President of the LBPC and enabling to reached 25 years and celebrating the events.

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