SDPDP Bhandari decides to adopt Champang as Inspirational Area for 2025-26

Bhandari: Board agrees to downgrade GMS Yampha to GPS

BY | Thursday, 9 January, 2025

The Sub-Divisional Planning and Development Board (SDPDB), Bhandari held its monthly co-ordination meeting at GA summer house on 7th January 2025, under the chairmanship of MLA & Chairmen of SDPDB, Bhandari, Achumbemo Kikon.

Additional Deputy Commissioner & Vice Chairmen, SDPDB Bhandari, Longasen Lotha, NCS proposed the welcomed address, and introduced the newly posted officers at Bhandari Sub-division and the two Government nominees of Bhandari Town Councilors.

In his short address, MLA & Chairmen SDPDB, Achumbemo Kikon urged the members to rededicate themselves in their assigned duties and responsibilities for the betterment and development of the society.

The meeting begins with reviewing the last meeting minutes, followed by discussion on the proposal for the construction of Sub-Divisional Office complex Bhandari, where the landowner has agreed and resolved to give required land to the Government of Nagaland as per Government prescribed rate and legal agreement shall be made after the selection of suitable land by the Government.

The house deliberated on the proposal made by SDEO Bhandari for revocation of downgrading GMS Yampha to GPS, the house agreed and forwarded the proposal to the higher authority.

ADC also requested the concerned department to accompany the Civil Administration for inspection tour to villages and inspirational village by next week of January 2025. In this regard, the board decided to adopt Champang as the Inspirational Area for the year 2025-2026.

SDO (Electrical), Sanis highlighted the house on the activities and initiatives taken by the Department under the sub-division. Other departments also highlighted various activities in the meeting.

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