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ISRO launches Aditya-L1: Solar mission a pioneering leap to study Sun, say experts

New Delhi: Mission seeks to unravel mysteries of Sun's extraordinary corona and comprehend how solar storms on its surface generate high-energy charged particles

BY and / Saturday, 2 September, 2023

Race for Sun heats up: These are various solar missions

New Delhi: Objective of Hinode, launched by Japan, US, UK, is to study impact of Sun on Earth

BY / Tuesday, 29 August, 2023

62 of 111 lunar missions in last seven decades were successful: NASA database

Mumbai: 21 lunar missions launched since 1990 by US, Japan, India, the European Union, China and Israel

BY / Saturday, 15 July, 2023

India, US plan to send Indian astronaut to International Space Station in 2024: Biden

Washington: Modi says India has decided to sign the Artemis Accords and taken a great leap forward

BY , and / Friday, 23 June, 2023

SpaceX launches most powerful rocket in history in explosive debut – like many first liftoffs, Starship’s test was a successful failure

Montgomery (US): The first stage, called Super Heavy, is a collection of 33 individual engines and provides more than twice the thrust of a Saturn V, the rocket that sent astronauts to the Moon in the 1960s and 1970s

BY / Friday, 21 April, 2023

IIT Indore in collaboration with NASA-Caltech develops low-cost camera for multispectral imaging of flame

Indore: The camera would come in handy for the study of combustion of fuels which in turn can lead to improvement in combustion engines

BY / Sunday, 16 April, 2023

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